What do I need to Bring?
Waders or Mud Boots Reccomended
Gun cleaning supplies
12 or 20 gauge shotgun
Imp. cylinder or modified chokesAmmo 2 3/4" or 3"
Geese-Steel 2's or BB's
Sandhills- Steel BB’s
NOTE-The above are considered migratory like dove, but are not considered waterfowl by law, thus lead can be used. DO NOT bring lead on a goose hunt!Warm camo clothing and
foul weather gearTexas Hunting License with
State and Federal stampsSandhill Crane Permit (free)
Ice Chest
What license do I need?
Hunting license
Sandhill Crane Permit-FREE
HIP certification-FREE
Texas duck stamp
Federal duck stamp
Is There Bird Cleaning?
Due to the cost of maintaining four high volume trash dumpsters biweekly and the costs of tags, bags, and cleaning supplies we charge a $4 per goose/crane/duck cleaning fee. This equates to a $20 cleaning fee for a limit of geese per day. $12 for a limit of Cranes. All dove are $1 each. Please have alternate plans if you wish to clean your own birds. While at the hotel or lodge your birds must be separated from other hunters’ birds, your information attached to the birds, and a wing must remain attached. Fines can exceed $1000.00 for improperly cleaned game. Lubbock has a health code law against dumping non-bagged birds in dumpsters. If TPWD show up, you will be issued a citation.
What is the dog Policy?
Clients are allowed to hunt dogs in private parties ONLY. If the group is ok with a dog being run then we are ok. Please understand people are paying hard earned money and if we feel it is interfering with the hunt our guides will ask the dog to be taken to the trucks. Our guides have well trained retrievers that hunt day in and day out.
**THERE WILL BE NO DOGS ALLOWED IN THE LODGE. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE AT ALL. ** The yard is fenced, or they can be kept in crates or dog box. Dogs in lodge will revoke any privileges of future use of lodge for entire group and you will be asked to leave.
What is the Deposit Policy
We only have a limited amount of dates and thus we can only run a limited number of hunters. There are only 12 weekends during the season, and they book first. Blackfoot allows an adjustment period of 30 days prior to your hunt, if the number of hunters in the party decreases below what was originally booked, please inform us. If the private party drops below the minimum, it allows us time to try and add a few additional hunters to the party unless your group is willing to pay the minimum no matter the number. After the adjustment date expires, your party will be required to pay for the private the party minimum. Deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Private Party Minimum (5) Monday- Thursday
Private Party Minimum (8) Friday-Saturday
How much is a normal tip?
Tips…. The easiest way to solve this problem is to ask yourself what do you pay your servers at a restaurant for good service? We charge $275 for a morning hunt. 10% would be $28, 15% would be $42, and 20% would be $55. Dont forget the housecleaner.